Compositional Diversity Dashboard
The University of Dayton’s commitment to Inclusive Excellence is rooted in the Catholic and Marianist conviction that every person has innate dignity because all people are made in the image and likeness of God.
Achieving and sustaining a more diverse community that embraces equity and inclusion emanates from the institutional call to solidarity and the common good. This includes an explicit focus on increasing compositional diversity, which is the percentage of the University’s students, faculty, and staff who identify as members of underrepresented and/or underserved groups. The University’s 11-Step Anti-Racism Action Plan highlights additional steps to increase the proportion of people from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.
While we have made significant advances in diversity, equity and inclusion, we recognize the need for continued progress. This dashboard was developed to publicly share information to support efforts to increase compositional diversity and target resources destined to make our University community more equitable and inclusive.
Important Details
The dashboard focuses mainly on racial, ethnic, and gender data because it is available for almost the entirety of the faculty, staff, and student population. This dashboard is updated yearly based on enrollment and employment data collected at a census date in September. The University also uses the information collected for the University Factbook and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System reporting. Both full time and part time students and employees are included in the census. Individuals are only counted once in each visualization. The following descriptions provide some context related to categories of compositional diversity that are included in the dashboard:
Race and ethnicity information is based on federally defined categories; students and employees may select more than one category but all individuals are assigned into only one of them using the approach described in this document.
Due to a limitation in federal reporting standards on this category, individuals are only given the option to select anything either female or male (represented in the dashboard as women and men). However, many of our students and employees identify with genders other than female and male or woman and man. One percent (95% confidence interval of 0.7% to 1.9%) of undergraduate students at the University of Dayton are estimated to identify as genderqueer, gender non-conforming, non-binary, questioning, unsure, or transgender based on survey data from 2021 National Study of Student Leadership. Similar data does not exist for graduate students, faculty, or staff.
The dashboard likely undercounts students, faculty, and staff who would identify as international, as this data is based on citizenship and nationality status (see the document linked above). Students in pathways who aren't fully matriculated, including IEP students, are not included in the dashboard.
Compositional Diversity Dashboard
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